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MQ Mental Health Research Charity Cards

MQ Mental Health Research Charity Cards

MQ Charity Cards

Send a hug with beautiful cards for all of life's ups and downs in support of MQ Mental Health research charity.

In Aid of MQ

30% of net sales from this card and gift range goes to MQ.

MQ Mental Health Research is an award-winning mental health research charity. They fund scientific research into all mental health conditions to help make the next breakthrough in mental health and help the 1 in 4 of us impacted.

30%* of net sales from this product range will be donated to MQ Mental Health Research to support their work in better understanding, treating and one day preventing mental illness.

How Our Campaign Will Help

Right now, our understanding of mental illness is nowhere near where it needs to be.

  • One in four of us experience a mental illness each year

  • It can take an average of ten years to get help after symptoms first develop

  • Many treatments and interventions are ineffective, their side-effects can be exhausting and there is often a painful period of trial-and-error to reach a solution

MQ is working to change all this.

Through research we can find the next breakthrough in mental health care. Think of the huge advances made through research in areas like HIV and cancer. Treatments for these and many other diseases are unrecognisable compared to 30 years ago. MQ is committed to inspiring an equivalent transformation in our response to mental illness.

MQ researchers have already made great strides in improving treatments for PTSD, Anxiety Disorders and have found ways to prevent psychosis in children and young people from developing.

With your help, we have raised nearly £27,000 to help MQ create a world where mental illness is understood, effectively treated and one day prevented.

*30%* of net sales from this product range will be donated to MQ Mental Health Research to support their work in better understanding, treating and one day preventing mental illness.

MQ: Transforming Mental Health is a company registered in England and Wales (7406055) and a charity registered in England and Wales (1139916) and Scotland (SC046075).

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