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6 in 1 multi tool pen

From €11.99

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For the modern day man there is no time to faff around with multiple tools on the off chance that they see a broken chair or an uneven table, so why not cater to their DIY obsession with this multi functional 6-in-1 Pen Tool. 

It features all of the tools that any self-respecting handyman should carry at all times including a ruler, spirit level,

Phillips screwdriver, flat head screwdriver, ball point pen and just for those smartphone addicts a touch screen stylus so your smartphone can stay clean even after a full scale repair job.

This multi-tool pen is the perfect gift for any handyman and its compact design makes it the ultimate portable DIY gadget.

Tools Include:

  1. Ruler
  2. Spirit Level
  3. Phillips Screwdriver
  4. Flat Head Screwdriver
  5. Ball Point Pen
  6. Touch Screen Stylus

Please note colour may vary.

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