From £21.00
You must be 18 years or older to purchase alcohol. You will be asked to verify your age upon checkout.
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When you can't get to the pub, bring the pub to you. Each case contains 6 x 500ml bottles, all just a slurp under a pint. From the Best British Breweries in England, Scotland and Wales.
We've chosen a great mix of bottle conditioned beers from a number of different breweries to give you the biggest possible variety of flavours, strengths and styles.
Regular breweries featured include: Monty's Brewery, mid Wales, Thirst Class Ales, Stockport, Westerham Brewing, Kent, Mumbles Brewery, Swansea ,Hornes, Milton Keynes, Brecon Brewing, Stonehouse. Oswestry, Weal Ales, Staffordshire, Hobson's Brewery, Worcestershire, Cheddar Ales, Somerset, Salopian, Shropshire, Wiper & True, Bristol, Conwy Brewery, North Wales, Byatts, Warwickshire.
You must be 18 or over to buy alcohol and you may be asked for ID upon delivery.
Please drink responsible: https://www.drinkaware.co.uk/
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