Every hidden message card comes with special glasses that let you see through the red pattern on the front of the card, revealing the secret message below! Here's how the cards look with and without the included reveal glasses.
Every hidden message card comes with a pair of secret reveal glasses included in the envelope, which the recipient can use to reveal a hidden message within a shape on the front of the card that's invisible to the naked eye. So, how does it work?
When looking at your hidden message card without the glasses, you won't be able to see the secret message, so all you'll see is a red heart or another shape. When you put on the glasses, however, the coloured lenses filter out the different colour wavelengths, revealing the message printed underneath, which was previously invisible.
This hidden reveal effect is achieved using a special printing technique where we print over your secret message with a specific pattern and colour that hides the message underneath, but the glasses allow you to see through. Perfect for sharing a cheeky or intimate secret message that only your partner can see!
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