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Best Grandad Glass and Whisky Stones Set

From £9.99

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20 hours 54 minutes 26 seconds

An Orion ‘Grandad’ whiskey glass and stones from Hotchpotch by CELEBRATIONS®.

This personalised whiskey glass is the perfect tonic to help fathers unwind.

The glass features blue tinted glass, complete with ‘Greatest Grandad of All Time’ gold title. It is accompanied by four stone ice cubes, ensuring that Grandad’s scotch can always be on the rocks.

The glass and stones are packaged in a branded window box.

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Royal Mail 1st Class£3.99
Delivered in 1-3 days
Standard Tracked£3.99
Delivered in 2-3 days
Express Tracked£4.99
Delivered in 1-2 days
Guaranteed Tracked£6.75
Delivered by 1pm on your chosen date including Saturday

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